In the summer of 2015, I cycled 7,200 km across Canada, from one coast to the other in less than three months!
When I immigrated to Canada from Poland, one of my first thoughts from the plane was that it would be great to discover this country on my bike. 18 years later, this idea became a reality.
My journey began on June 9th from Victoria, BC and finished on August 24th in Cape Spear, Newfoundland. I was the only one riding a bike, but I wasn't alone on this vast adventure. My trip was truly a family affair with my wonderful parents agreeing to drive across the country and bring my 7 year old son along. I was also greatly humbled by the generosity and support of the people I knew, and those I met, who helped make this trip possible.
This ride started out with following an internal knowing that I just had to do this. It turned out to be more than just seeing the incredible beauty of Canada. Taking this risk was as much a physical endeavour as it was spiritual. I learned that intense focus of my mind has incredible power over my body, which allowed it to push itself further than my perceived limits of what it was capable of. The biggest takeaway I had, though, was experiencing the observer, a force greater than myself, being aware of the world through me. I felt as though I was one with everything around me.
If I can do it, anyone can! I was probably in much better shape in my twenties than I was when I decided to embark on this journey, yet I still completed this physically and mentally challenging task. Use my example to never give up on your dreams. You are dreaming your dreams for a reason. Isn’t it time to breathe life into them?


This book contains over 50 species from 10 provinces, some are unique and only found in a certain province, others are more common and can be found pretty much everywhere.
An audio version will be available soon.